Learn how to devise and implement a successful eCommerce strategy. Discover how to understand omnichannel shoppers and identify their needs. Increase transaction frequency, order value and conversion rates. Get the skills and confidence you need to optimise your eCommerce performance.
Course Categories: Digital Marketing, Planning & Strategy
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The eCommerce Strategy course is ideal for anyone involved in planning, designing or commissioning transactional sites or apps that can be accessed on PC or mobile devices. Typical attendees include: eCommerce managers, project managers, marketing and website managers or business owners.
Rob began his career in marketing communications in 2000, joining award-winning brand and direct response agency Jacob Bailey in 2003 where he is now Group Account Director. Rob heads up Jacob Bailey's London office, handling integrated strategic direct response campaigns for big brand clients like AXA, BT, E.ON, Barclaycard and National Express - and was awarded the Top Student Distance Learning Award by the IDM in 2005.
A web specialist, Rob has embedded digital marketing as a core competence within the company, helping to raise the eMarketing performance bar for some of the UK's biggest companies. Rob recognises the direct link between emerging technology and marketing effectiveness - and has applied it to help make Jacob Bailey a recognised leader in this field.
London (W1W 8SS)
I really liked the use of practical and "real life" examples to illustrate points.
The first-hand experience examples given by trainer were very useful.
To discuss your options, please get in touch with one of our learning and development team: